
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."

Exploring Divination Techniques: Chainlink VRF vs. Traditional Randomness Methods

I-Ching divination typically uses coin tosses or a yarrow stalk ceremony to determine the yin yang lines that make up the hexagram. I looked into using Chainlink VRF, which is an on-chain way of g...

Solving Webpack Issues: Eliminating Double Script Loading and FOUC

Here’s an brief summary of what Webpack is: Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler. It was initially released on March 10, 2012, by Tobias Koppers. Webpack is designed to bundle Ja...

Mastering React State and JS Timing: Solving Double Execution in Development Mode

While figuring out how to properly animate yin/yang lines for my app, I ran into some strange behavior. I basically have an array of lines, and a loop to draw each line in the array. When using d...

Exploring Fortune-Telling NFTs: Integrating I-Ching and Blockchain for Spiritual Insights

My Dad was heavily into fortune-telling and the I-Ching. He did a lot of self study, and even some programming. I never quite understood the fascination when I was younger, but now that I get old...

Brainstorming an AI Photo Critic

How would you build a service that allows you to upload a photo for an AI to analyze and give feedback and critiques on it? Choosing a Model - CNN vs CLIP vs LLM or…. All? App Architecture aside ...

Efficient JWT Authentication and Data Persistence in Spring Framework

With AI I’ve been able to implement Security and Persistence in Spring very quickly. These are really notes for my own usage so I can better keep track of what the hell I did. Numerous Spring Abs...

Diagnosing AWS EC2 to RDS Network Issues

I’ve learned a few things while helping out a project implement logins and persistence on Spring, deployed on AWS EC2 + Postgres on AWS RDS. Network Connectivity BS The biggest pain for EC2 + RDS...

Harnessing AI to Transcribe and Visualize Family Histories: A Guide to Storytelling and Relationship Mapping

Transcribing Audio from Family Stories and Building a Graph Chinese New Year is when relatives get together. Stories can get shared which go back a few generations. AI could be used to: 1) Dete...

Enhancing AI with RAG: Leveraging Haystack for Smarter Agents and Efficient Data Retrieval

What’s RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)? I define RAG as any process that adds domain specific info to the prompt being sent to an LLM. This means you can enhance an LLM with additional knowl...

Exploring Haystack: Building Advanced NLP Applications with LLMs and Vector Search

According to their github: Haystack is an end-to-end LLM framework that enables you to build applications powered by LLMs, Transformer models, vector search and more. Whether you want to perform...