How to Create an Interactive Typing Effect in React with Skip Animation Feature

Posted by Aug on April 17, 2024

(Notes for myself - you can check out the effect at

Getting a typing effect working properly is pretty hard. I have a few paragraphs of text and wanted to have a typing effect over it, and allow the user to skip animation. If a user presses a spacebar or clicks on a paragraph, the current paragraph completes and the next one begins typing.

A few tips:

1) DOM Manipulation is frequently buggy, so you are best off updating the html elements themselves.

2) It’s easier to simulate a typing effect using hidden/visible rather than trying to actually generate characters or copy them from a hidden data element.

Here are the key lessons learned from the provided code for implementing a typing effect in React, applied to mulitple paragraphs of text with a way to skip animation at any time:

  1. State Management:
    • Use the useState hook to manage the state of the current paragraph index (currentParagraphIndex) and the number of visible characters (visibleCharacters).
    • Update the state variables accordingly to control the typing effect and track the progress.
  2. Parsing Paragraphs:
    • Extract the paragraphs from the backstory object based on the selected language using Object.entries and map.
    • Create an array of paragraph objects with id and text properties for easier rendering and tracking.
  3. Typing Effect:
    • Use the useEffect hook to control the typing effect based on the visibleCharacters and currentParagraphIndex state variables.
    • Set a timeout to gradually increase the number of visible characters for the current paragraph.
    • Move to the next paragraph after a delay when the current paragraph is fully typed.
    • Clear the timeout when the component unmounts or the dependencies change to avoid memory leaks.
  4. Skipping Animation:
    • Implement a skipTypingAnimation function to allow the user to skip the typing animation and immediately reveal all characters of the current paragraph.
    • Use the useCallback hook to memoize the function and optimize performance.
  5. Event Handlers:
    • Add event handlers for keyboard and touch events to trigger the skipTypingAnimation function.
    • Use useEffect hooks to attach and remove the event listeners based on the relevant dependencies.
  6. Rendering:
    • Map over the paragraphs array to render each paragraph as a separate <p> element.
    • Determine the visible and hidden parts of each paragraph based on the currentParagraphIndex and visibleCharacters state variables.
    • Render the visible text, the typing cursor for the current paragraph, and optionally, the hidden text with a ‘hidden’ class.
    • Add click and touch event handlers to each paragraph to allow skipping the animation.
  7. CSS Styling:
    • Apply appropriate CSS classes to style the text content, cursor, and hidden text.
    • Use CSS animations or transitions to create a blinking effect for the typing cursor.
  8. Performance Optimization:
    • Use useCallback and useMemo hooks to memoize functions and values that don’t need to be recomputed on every render.
    • Optimize the rendering by only updating the necessary parts of the component based on state changes.
  9. Internationalization:
    • Utilize the useTranslation hook from the react-i18next library to handle internationalization.
    • Extract the appropriate translations from the backstory object based on the selected language.

These are the main lessons learned from the provided code. By understanding and applying these concepts, you can create a typing effect component in React that is efficient, interactive, and supports internationalization.